21 Nov 2018
Ornate Flycatcher (Myiotriccus ornatus)
Capturing birds in the wild is hard as they rarely get close enough, especially for the smaller of the species like this one. A brief encounter at the San…
31 Aug 2014
Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum)
Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum) vokser vanlig langs vei, som denne langs grusveien i Sandbukta – like ved postkassene. Naturlig utbredelse i Europa til……
23 Aug 2014
Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum) UV
Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum) har ingen store overraskelser i UV lys - slik som eksempelvis potentillaer og skjermplanter, som ofte viser helt mørke områder…
11 Jul 2014
Geitrams (Chamerion angustifolium)
Når jeg var liten blomstret geitrams (Chamerion angustifolium) når ferien var på hell, men i år sto den i full blomst i slutten av juni. Den vokser nesten…
24 Nov 2013
Blue-billed Black Tyrant (Knipolegus cyanirostris)
A brief encounter with Blue-billed Black Tyrant (Knipolegus cyanirostris). On the way to the Itatiaia park entrance, towards Agulhas Negras, you'll find the…
24 Nov 2013
Shear-tailed Grey Tyrant (Muscipipra vetula)
A shear-tailed grey tyrant (Muscipipra vetula). on the way to the Itatiaia park entrance, towards Agulhas Negras, you'll find the only sturdy man-made…
23 Nov 2013
Short-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus ferox)
Short-crested flycatcher (Myiarchus ferox) resembles Swainson's flycatcher, but it has pinkish coloration on base of lower mandible (beak), this one is all…
22 Nov 2013
Yellow-lored Tody-Flycatcher (Todirostrum poliocephalum)
This tiny yellow-lored tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum poliocephalum) is easier to hear than see, but in the garden of Hotel do Ype chances are much better than…
19 Nov 2013
Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher (Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum)
The yellow-browed tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum) is such a tiny bird - around 9 cm in length, so close encounters are required to get any decent…
11 Nov 2013
Short-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus ferox)
Very similar to swainson's and dusky-capped flycatcher, so best way to identification is its song. Most likely you'll hear it long before you see it. This one…