13 Dec 2014
Prayer Plants (Genus Calathea)
This plant grows in the shadows of the trees – on the forest floor at the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) in Peru. Please help me identify it –…
13 Dec 2014
Prayer Plants (Genus Calathea)
This plant grows in the shadows of the trees - on the forest floor at the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) in Peru. Please help me identify it -…
13 Dec 2014
ARCC plant 00
This plant grows in the shadows of the trees - on the forest floor at the Amazon Research and conservation Center (ARCC) in Peru. Please help me identify it -…
1 Jul 2010
Furusvermer (Sphinx pinastri)
Furusvermer (Sphinx pinastri) er en stor sommerfugl som er godt kamuflert når den sitter stille om dagen. Det er derfor først når den forviller seg mot lyset…