20 Oct 2017
Principe weaver (Ploceus princeps)
A male Principe weaver (Ploceus princeps), endemic to Principe island. Although Principe is a small island, its diversity is still largely intact and thus most…
10 Nov 2016
Red fody (Foudia madagascariensis)
The red fody is very common on many of the Seychelles islands, and here on Bird Island I was enjoying a group of them roosting in a bush right outside my room…
9 Nov 2016
Red fody (Foudia madagascariensis)
The female red fody is nothing like its male counterpart and blends in well with its surroundings. The red fody is very common on many of the Seychelles…
9 Nov 2016
Red fody (Foudia madagascariensis)
The red fody is very common on many of the Seychelles islands, and here on Bird Island I was enjoying a group of them roosting in a bush right outside my…
9 Nov 2016
Red fody (Foudia madagascariensis)
The red fody is very common on many of the Seychelles islands, and here on Bird Island I was enjoying a group of them roosting in a bush right outside my…
7 Nov 2016
Red fody (Foudia madagascariensis)
The female of this species is nothing like its male counterpart and blends in well with its surroundings. The red fody is very common on many of the Seychelles…
25 Jun 2010
Trollhegg (Frangula alnus)
Blomstene til trollhegg (Frangula alnus) er i motsetning til heggen nærmest usynlige og lukter lite. Trollheggen blomstrer helt til frosten og er således en…
11 Oct 2009
Trollhegg (Frangula alnus)
Trollhegg (Frangula alnus) er vanlig og tallrik her. Trollheggen legger de færreste merke til. Den vokser på fuktig plasser og sees ofte sammen med både…
29 Sep 2009
Geitved (Rhamnus cathartica)
Geitved (Rhamnus cathartica) er en relativt vanlig busk som de aller fleste overser. Den vokser på fuktig grunn, gjerne sammen med korsved og trollhegg. Mange…