7 May 2019
Green Rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)
The green rosella (Platycercus caledonicus) is a Tasmanian endemic, which means it lives nowhere else on Earth. It sounds like this:
15 Nov 2016
Seychelles Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi)
The Seychelles parrot is as its name implies endemic to the archipelago, which means it's a vulnerable species. In fact it's only found on one island, Praslin.…
15 Mar 2016
Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)
This wonderfully colored rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) is definitely into a balanced diet, as it will gladly take handouts like apples from us…
12 Nov 2013
Lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
The many canals feeding water to the rice fields at Fazenda San Fransico hold a diverse flora and fauna, and in a blink of an eye you may see a lowland tapir…