12 Nov 2013
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
This osprey (Pandion haliaetus) was carefully eating off its catch while I was slowly moving down the river. It seemed more focused on other species than me,…
2 Dec 2011
Galápagos Acacia (Acacia rorudiana)
Galápagos Acacia (Acacia rorudiana) is endemic to Galapagos. This looks almost like a different species, as the thorns are longer, and the new growth is red…
2 Dec 2011
Galapagos Acacia (Acacia rorudiana)
Galápagos acacia (Acacia rorudiana) is one of several subscpecies of acacia on Galapagos. Endemic to Galapagos. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575,…