11 Dec 2014
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin)
The iconic hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is a strange looking bird as well as in behaviour, but it's also beautiful I think. It's like no other bird! It raises…
11 Dec 2014
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin)
I'm fascinated by these prehistoric-like birds of the Amazon rainforest - they are like no other bird! They can hardly fly, they sound like a magpie stuck on…
4 Dec 2014
Physalaemus sp
It looks much like Whistling frog (Physalaemus albonotatus), but I'm not certain, as I don't recall whether this one had the miauing sound or not. So any ID…
4 Dec 2014
Chaco tree frog (Hypsiboas raniceps)
During the day it's much harder to find the frogs as you don't have their sounds to hone in on, nor are they sitting out in the sun. In one of the many ponds…
3 Dec 2014
Whistling frog (Physalaemus albonotatus)
The sound of the whistling frog (Physalaemus albonotatus) is hilarious, and I immediately wanted it as a ring tone! Especially fascinating when you reach a…
2 Dec 2014
Chaco tree frog (Hypsiboas raniceps)
The nights at SouthWild Pantanal were filled with the sounds of frogs of many sizes and colors, and I was lucky to be able to reach this Chaco tree frog…
2 Dec 2014
Leptodactylus chaquensis
This frog, a leptodactylus chaquensis, was one of several of the species roaming the ground around the buildings of SouthWild Pantanal. I had to be careful…
2 Dec 2014
Paraguayan swimming frog (Pseudis platensis)
It's the beginning of the wet season, and there are frogs everywhere. The nights are filled with the songs of many species and it might seem a simple task to…
2 Dec 2014
Veined treefrog (Trachycephalus venulosus)
The rainy season has barely begun in Pantanal, but frogs are everywhere. This veined treefrog (Trachycephalus venulosus) is climbing the walls of SouthWild…
2 Dec 2014
Cururu Toad (Rhinella diptycha)
After sunset a cacophony of frogs were calling and roaming the grounds of SouthWild Pantanal. This magnificent cururu Toad (Rhinella diptycha) was right…