25 Jun 2021
Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)
På Fyrsteilene takler åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis) presset fra de innvaderene og menneskeintroduserte artene som gravbergknapp (Phedimus spurius) fordi…
16 Jun 2021
Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)
Fyrsteilene har en stor bestand åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis) og når de står i blomst kjenner du den milde og søfte duften når det er lite vind en dag med…
16 Jun 2021
Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)
Fyrsteilene har en stor bestand åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis) og når de står i blomst kjenner du den milde og søfte duften når det er lite vind en dag med…
2 Dec 2014
Thoasa Sister (Adelpha thoasa)
Another species in the Adelpha genus! Some are very hard to identify as the patterns look very similar, but this thoasa sister (Adelpha thoasa) is of the easy…
19 Nov 2013
Orsilochus Daggerwing (Marpesia orsilochus)
This orsilochus daggerwing (Marpesia orsilochus) was seemingly quite territorial, as I found it either on the ground or on the vegetation in the same area…
26 Nov 2012
Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)
The diversity of butterflies here is staggering, and only when I got home did I see that what I briefly in the field thought of as the same species of Adelpha…
25 Nov 2012
Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)
Identifying the Adelphas is not easy, and in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park they are so plentiful that your analytical skills are really put to the test.…
25 Nov 2012
Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)
The diversity of butterflies here is staggering, and only when I got home did I see that what I briefly in the field thought of as the same species of Adelpha…
25 Nov 2012
Adelpha sp
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…
10 Jul 2011
Strandvindel (Calystegia sepium)
Etter avblomstringen står forbladene på strandvindel (Calystegia sepium) igjen som en hjerteformet pilpiss. Bladene er store og møtes nesten ved bladskaftet…