Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis)

Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis)

Elevation: 3384 meters. Native range of himalayan birch (Betula utilis) is Afghanistan to North & Central China.

Hassel (Corylus avellana)

Hassel (Corylus avellana)

Det meste går mennesket hus forbi - enten fordi det er så lite, eller fordi det har en livsrytme så forskjellig fra oss. Hver våre klages det høylydt i media…

Thoasa Sister (Adelpha thoasa)

Thoasa Sister (Adelpha thoasa)

Another species in the Adelpha genus! Some are very hard to identify as the patterns look very similar, but this thoasa sister (Adelpha thoasa) is of the easy…

Dvergbjørk (Betula nana)

Dvergbjørk (Betula nana)

Myrene rundt Steinsjøen nord i Akershus ligger kun 400 meter over havet eller så, og er den laveste beliggenhet jeg har kommet over dvergbjørk (Betula nana)…

Orsilochus Daggerwing (Marpesia orsilochus)

Orsilochus Daggerwing (Marpesia orsilochus)

This orsilochus daggerwing (Marpesia orsilochus) was seemingly quite territorial, as I found it either on the ground or on the vegetation in the same area…

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

The diversity of butterflies here is staggering, and only when I got home did I see that what I briefly in the field thought of as the same species of Adelpha…

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Identifying the Adelphas is not easy, and in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park they are so plentiful that your analytical skills are really put to the test.…

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

The diversity of butterflies here is staggering, and only when I got home did I see that what I briefly in the field thought of as the same species of Adelpha…

Adelpha sp

Adelpha sp

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Svartor (Alnus glutinosa)

Svartor (Alnus glutinosa)

Ev svartor (Alnus glutinosa) vokser stort og bredgrenet like over tidevannsbeltet og de lave grenene gir lett tilgang til alt som rører seg fra de første…