Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Enkelte steder i Gjersjøen står myrkongle (Calla palustris) så tett at de er helt dominerende. De trives der det er skikkelig gjørmete. Naturlig utbredelse i…

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

I sumpområdene rundt Gjersjøen er det store mengder myrkongle (Calla palustris), og nå var mange alt rødmende. Vannstanden er flere titalls centimeter lavere…

Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa)

Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa)

The number of plant species you see from the canopy towers of Cristalino Jungle Lodge is impressive. Unfortunately most are overlooked, as the visitors are…

Wild mango (Grias neuberthii)

Wild mango (Grias neuberthii)

I wonder what this wild mango (Grias neuberthii) fruit tastes like compared to the cultivated varieties. I for one am certain the fruit and the tree itself…

Wild mango (Grias neuberthii)

Wild mango (Grias neuberthii)

Wild mango (Grias neuberthii) has an incredibly fascinating flower - thick, waxy and extremely tough. This tree grows close to the creek on the grounds of the…