Belonogaster saussurei

Belonogaster saussurei

During bloom the widespread shrub croton socotranus is an important food source for insects of all sizes. Here the paper wasp belonogaster saussurei is…

Belonogaster saussurei

Belonogaster saussurei

A beautiful specimen of Ochradenus socotranus, untouched by livestock due to its position high up a sheer cliff face. In the morning shade from the towering…

White-banded Swallow (Atticora fasciata)

White-banded Swallow (Atticora fasciata)

If you're on or by a river in the Amazon rain forest you will see the white-banded swallow (Atticora fasciata), sometimes a single one like here, or if you're…

Brown-Chested Martin (Progne tapera)

Brown-Chested Martin (Progne tapera)

Brown-Chested martin (Progne tapera) is a common swallow in Pantanal, and around Pousada Xaraés it has excellent nesting sites as the closest river has high…

Anterhynchium rufipes

Anterhynchium rufipes

Anterhynchium rufipes is native to Moorea. -17.541703149.820929