Kongeørn | Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

Kongeørn (Aquila chrysaetos)

Som de fleste gribber og rovfugler har kongeørn (Aquila chrysaetos) et fantastisk blikk og kan se et dyrekadaver over store avstander. Det hjelper selvsagt med…

Spurvehauk (Accipiter nisus)

Spurvehauk (Accipiter nisus)

En sjelden gang ser jeg silhuetten av en spurvehauk fare som en prosjektil mellom trærne. Andre ganger hørere jeg spetakkelet til småfuglene som varsler om en…

Caiophora chuquitensis

Caiophora chuquitensis

Caiophora chuquitensis is an incredibly spiny plant! There is not one part that is spineless, so I guess only insects are able to harm this plant! Altitude:…

Caiophora chuquitensis

Caiophora chuquitensis

Caiophora chuquitensis is an incredibly spiny plant! There is not one part that is spineless, so I guess only insects are able to harm this plant! Altitude:…

Nasa grandiflora

Nasa grandiflora

Nasa grandiflora has a large and conspicuous flower on a rather hostile plant! It's tempting to touch the large flower, but doing so will most likely result in…

Nasa grandiflora

Nasa grandiflora

The stinging hairs of nasa grandiflora are not easily seen on the face of the leaf, but they are there! It's the dark ones. Native range is Colombia to Peru.…