15 Jan 2020
Kongeørn (Aquila chrysaetos)
Som de fleste gribber og rovfugler har kongeørn (Aquila chrysaetos) et fantastisk blikk og kan se et dyrekadaver over store avstander. Det hjelper selvsagt med…
14 Oct 2018
Savannah Elephant (Loxodonta africana)
The landscapes of Damaraland are incredibly beautiful, and when you encounter a group of savannah elephants in the soft hues of sunrise, it takes your breath…
23 Apr 2018
Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)
The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus) is commonly seen throughout the open landscape of Corbett National Park, but every now and then you are…
23 Apr 2018
Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)
The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus) is commonly seen throughout the open landscape of Corbett National Park, but every now and then you are…
23 Apr 2018
Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)
The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus) is commonly seen throughout the open landscape of Corbett National Park, but every now and then you are…
13 Oct 2014
Spurvehauk (Accipiter nisus)
En sjelden gang ser jeg silhuetten av en spurvehauk fare som en prosjektil mellom trærne. Andre ganger hørere jeg spetakkelet til småfuglene som varsler om en…