24 Nov 2013
Itatiaia Gecko 02
The second of many species of Gecko in the park. Altitude: 1021 metres. Please help me identify it - leave a comment :-)
24 Nov 2013
Itatiaia Gecko 01
As with buildings in Pantanal and the Amazon rainforest, there are geckos here in the buildings of Hotel do Ype. This night was particularly rich in insects…
15 Nov 2013
Pantanal Gecko 02
This is the second gecko species I found on the walls of Pousada Xaraés, and I'm certain there are several more species living in and around these buildings.
13 Nov 2013
Pantanal Gecko 01
In the rainy season it's not easy to be a gecko in Pantanal, so the buildings of Pousada Xaraés are a perfect all year home! Despite this I didn't see that…
5 Aug 2011
Tørrfruktmøll (Plodia interpunctella)
Kan ikke huske å ha sett tørrfruktmøll (Plodia interpunctella) før, her den sitter på baderomsspeilet. Skal visstnok ikke være stedegen noen steder i Norge,…
28 Jun 2011
Årenebbmott (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Årenebbmott (Chrysoteuchia culmella) er en liten sommerfugl som tiltrekkes av innelyset til mennesker. I den lyseste tiden skulle man da tro at mennesker ikke…