Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii is one of two short-horned grasshopper species I encountered. Socotra is home to many species of insects, but I am focusing on flora for…

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii is one of two short-horned grasshopper species I encountered at this location, at 918 meters elevation. Socotra is home to many species…

Acorypha bimaculata

Acorypha bimaculata

Acorypha bimaculata is one of two short-horned grasshopper species I encountered at this location, at 918 meters elevation. Socotra is home to many species of…

Large Painted Locust (Schistocerca melanocera)

Large Painted Locust (Schistocerca melanocera)

Large Painted Locust (Schistocerca melanocera) is a large and colorful grasshopper, and quite difficult to spot unless you catch it moving. James…

Tørrfruktmøll (Plodia interpunctella)

Tørrfruktmøll (Plodia interpunctella)

Kan ikke huske å ha sett tørrfruktmøll (Plodia interpunctella) før, her den sitter på baderomsspeilet. Skal visstnok ikke være stedegen noen steder i Norge,…

Årenebbmott (Chrysoteuchia culmella)

Årenebbmott (Chrysoteuchia culmella)

Årenebbmott (Chrysoteuchia culmella) er en liten sommerfugl som tiltrekkes av innelyset til mennesker. I den lyseste tiden skulle man da tro at mennesker ikke…