22 Nov 2013
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)
The house wren (Troglodytes aedon) is very vocal and unafraid, but hard to get a good shot as the only background available was the grey clouds. Altitude:…
17 Nov 2012
Frankenia triandra
Frankenia triandra grows on the salty portions of the rim of the Salar de Uyuni that receives fresh water sporadically. Altitude: 3669 metres. Native range is…
12 Nov 2012
Frankenia triandra
Frankenia triandra grows close to hot springs, and is thus salt and mineral tolerant. Altitude: 4402 metres. Native range is Peru to Argentina.…
30 Nov 2011
Mountain Wren (Troglodytes solstitialis)
The small birds are mostly heard and not seen, and even when seen they are only seen "in-parts", as they are only visible in small holes in the dense…