9 Nov 2013
Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)
The color of the swifts match that of the rocks they cling to, so unless you know what to look for you'll most likely pass by focused as you are on the…
9 Nov 2013
Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)
These swifts are impervious to the force of the water as well as being able to stay dry whatever the conditions. Here they are flying in and out of their…
8 Nov 2013
Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)
These swifts seem to be untouched by the laws of physics. They move in and out of the raging falls as if it's air, and fly as close to the water as possible.…
8 Nov 2013
Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)
Black vultures are large and seen all the time around the falls - either surfing the updrafts or simply lounging on treetops or outcrops. The swifts are the…
17 Nov 2012
Frankenia triandra
Frankenia triandra grows on the salty portions of the rim of the Salar de Uyuni that receives fresh water sporadically. Altitude: 3669 metres. Native range is…
12 Nov 2012
Frankenia triandra
Frankenia triandra grows close to hot springs, and is thus salt and mineral tolerant. Altitude: 4402 metres. Native range is Peru to Argentina.…