4 Feb 2023
Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)
Erissel is the easternmost point of Socotra. It is a windswept low-lying area governed by the elements. During cyclones the wind and sea wreak havoc on the…
4 Feb 2023
Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)
Erissel is the easternmost point of Socotra. It is a windswept low-lying area governed by the elements. During cyclones the wind and sea wreak havoc on the…
4 Feb 2023
Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)
The north-facing beach of the tip of Erissel is wide and deep, with a large part only tasting the waves during monsoons. This is perfect conditions for the…
3 Feb 2023
Inversed Fiddler Crab (Cranuca inversa)
I found plenty of this species at this location and no signs of competing species. They thrive here next to a large date grove, where I rested in their…
9 Jun 2021
Vandrefalk (Falco peregrinus)
De hekkende fiske- og hettemåkene oppførte seg plutselig veldig uvanlig ved å samlet fly utpå sjøen og varsle intenst. Makrellternene forsvant helt. Men…
8 Nov 2018
Northern crested caracara (Caracara cheriway)
A clever, opportunistic omnivore often seen perched high as seen here, surveying the land for food. It will jump at any opportunity, even if it means stealing…
2 Feb 2015
Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)
I found a huge number of Red Sea ghost crab (Ocypode saratan). At night they were crawling everywhere on land - wherever I walked these crabs were foraging.…
16 Nov 2013
American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is such a tiny bird of prey, and when they sit still in the rain like this, they're easily missed, as no prey is making any…
14 Nov 2013
Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)
I was approaching by car, but the southern crested Caracara (Caracara plancus) didn't even flinch! Perhaps it was injured? Not at all! This is just the…
12 Nov 2013
Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)
A common bird, often seen walking on the ground more than in the air. It's opportunistic, and this is exactly what it's doing here - waiting for an opportunity…