Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

Native range of ouratea spectabilis is Bolivia and Brazil. -15.2997,-55.8406

Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

A very strange shape I think, and I wonder what has driven it to these shapes, and in particular the color inside! If you squeeze the fruit, or simply pass a…

Lowland paca (Cuniculus paca)

Lowland paca (Cuniculus paca)

This was my first mammal sighting in the Madidi National Park, and was very promising as this was just a few hundred metres after crossing the park's border…

Poecilandra retusa

Poecilandra retusa

Poecilandra retusa grows to a small tree, and is found alongside the trail to Roraima and is common all over the Gran Sabana. Native range is Colombia,…