Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) with bark snails

Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) with bark snails

You can find these dormant (aestivating) land snails (Achatinelloides) sporadically throughout Socotra, but find them covering an entire Socotra cucumber tree…

Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus)

Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus)

A very young Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) that has survived the insatiable appetite of the goats - only because it growing where they cannot…

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)

This is the only place I've encountered Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) on Socotra. It thrives here in the shadow of the tall cliffs of Socotra's northeast, and…

Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)

Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)

A beautiful pose of a bird you'll hear and see throughout the Himalayas. Here it's on its way to drinking water provided by a house owner during the dry…

Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)

Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)

The Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys) is a bird with lovely simple vocalizations that you hear throughout Bhutan and the Himalayas and is one of 9…

Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer)

Red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer)

No matter how common a species is I love to capture them when they have positioned themselves in an aesthetic or artistic way, and this red-vented bulbul…

Cucumis prophetarum

Cucumis prophetarum

The entirety of cucumis prophetarum plant is really fascinating, and I’ve never seen it before. Native range is Mauritania to Arabian Peninsula, West Asia to…

Cucumis prophetarum

Cucumis prophetarum

The entirety of cucumis prophetarum is really fascinating, and I've never seen it before, nor do I know if it's an endemic or not. Native range is Mauritania…