18 Dec 2023
Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) with bark snails
You can find these dormant (aestivating) land snails (Achatinelloides) sporadically throughout Socotra, but find them covering an entire Socotra cucumber tree…
17 Dec 2023
Nait coast, Socotra
The southwestern coast of Socotra has steep cliffs more than 400 meters high and is an incredible landscape shift from the landscape inland. The access to the…
3 Feb 2023
Boswellia elongata
This is Homhil at its most beautiful – green and vibrant after the winter rains. Unfortunately this is but a faint echo of past glory, when the land was in…
6 Feb 2020
Blue shed, Notsuke Peninsula
During my visits to Notsuke Peninsula I experienced, snow, blue sky, and a lot in between. This is shot when the wind was battering the landscape, making it…
4 Feb 2020
Blue shed, Notsuke Peninsula
The colors of the houses in Hokkaido are rather bland, dominated by beige, grey and off-white. Very different from what you encounter in the Norwegian…