18 Dec 2023
Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) with bark snails
You can find these dormant (aestivating) land snails (Achatinelloides) sporadically throughout Socotra, but find them covering an entire Socotra cucumber tree…
15 Dec 2023
Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus)
A very young Socotra Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus) that has survived the insatiable appetite of the goats - only because it growing where they cannot…
5 Feb 2023
Red-eyed Reef Crab (Eriphia smithii)
The marine life around Socotra is rich and diverse, but I am focusing on the flora and fauna on land. However, I had a short window of opportunity during low…
4 Feb 2023
Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)
Erissel is the easternmost point of Socotra. It is a windswept low-lying area governed by the elements. During cyclones the wind and sea wreak havoc on the…
4 Feb 2023
Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)
Erissel is the easternmost point of Socotra. It is a windswept low-lying area governed by the elements. During cyclones the wind and sea wreak havoc on the…
4 Feb 2023
Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)
The north-facing beach of the tip of Erissel is wide and deep, with a large part only tasting the waves during monsoons. This is perfect conditions for the…
4 Feb 2023
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
This is the only place I've encountered Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) on Socotra. It thrives here in the shadow of the tall cliffs of Socotra's northeast, and…
3 Feb 2023
Inversed Fiddler Crab (Cranuca inversa)
I found plenty of this species at this location and no signs of competing species. They thrive here next to a large date grove, where I rested in their…