Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalapa)

Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalapa)

Elevation: 1578 meters. Native range of marvel of peru (Mirabilis jalapa) is Mexico to Central America.

Commicarpus simonyi

Commicarpus simonyi

Only with sufficient moisture over time will you see a full grown Commicarpus simonyi like this. In years of drought the winter rains fail and plants wither…

Silkebie (Colletes sp)

Silkebie (Colletes sp)

Med punktert dekk etter å ha besøkt en flott geitramseng ved E6 avkjøringen til Kolbotn tok jeg turen innom dekkhotellet på Ensjø for å få fikset dekket. Mens…

Wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa)

Wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa)

Native range of wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa) is tropics and subtropics.

Wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa)

Wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa)

Native range of wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa) is tropics and subtropics.