2 Feb 2015
Black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
It's amazing how birds can navigate vast distances and find tiny plates of food like this small lagoon in the middle of the Shuab valley on the west coast of…
15 Jul 2014
Seksflekket bloddråpesvermer (Zygaena filipendulae)
Jeg var på vei hjem fra en super dag i sumpområdene rundt det sørøstlige Gjersjøen, og tok en sveip av en skråning langs grusveien for å forhåpentligvis finne…
15 Nov 2013
White-backed Stilt (Himantopus melanurus)
It's almost dark, and hard to see, and most of the birds are quiet now. This white-backed stilt (Himantopus melanurus) was standing by itself in the middle of…