8 May 2019
Bennett’s Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus)
At first I thought I encountered an albino Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus), but it just a very light-colored variation to the norm…
6 May 2019
Bennett’s Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus)
Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus) is a common sight in Tasmania, but unfortunately also commonly killed by cars. Throughout Tasmania I…
5 May 2019
Red-necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
In many places the various species of wallabies have become so used to humans that they come out and up close to check you out. As they are herbivores I find…
29 Nov 2011
Barnadesia arborea
The leaves of barnadesia arborea leathery, pointy, thick and shiny. Native range is Ecuador and Peru. Altitude 3450 metres. Here you see the long spines.…
29 Nov 2011
Barnadesia arborea
This barnadesia arborea was growing close to the dirt road leading deeper into Cayambe Coca and was growing on private grounds where cows were grazing.…