Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

In a garden of rock formations resembling many different animals I was baffled to suddenly stand in front of this Viscacha monitoring my movements. It's like…

Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

If it doesn't move, the southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia) is near impossible to see. The color is so similar to the rocks, sand and shrubs, that it's only…

Barnadesia arborea

Barnadesia arborea

The leaves of barnadesia arborea leathery, pointy, thick and shiny. Native range is Ecuador and Peru. Altitude 3450 metres. Here you see the long spines.…

Barnadesia arborea

Barnadesia arborea

This barnadesia arborea was growing close to the dirt road leading deeper into Cayambe Coca and was growing on private grounds where cows were grazing.…