Rustling Goldreed (Elegia racemosa)

Rustling Goldreed (Elegia racemosa)

Elevation: 1069 meters. Native range of rustling goldreed (Elegia racemosa) is Western Cape.

Rustling Goldreed (Elegia racemosa)

Rustling Goldreed (Elegia racemosa)

Elevation: 1069 meters. Native range of rustling goldreed (Elegia racemosa) is Western Cape.

Dune Thatchreed (Thamnochortus spicigerus)

Dune Thatchreed (Thamnochortus spicigerus)

Elevation: 48 meters. Native range of dune thatchreed (Thamnochortus spicigerus) is Western Cape.

Impatiens pyrorhiza

Impatiens pyrorhiza

Elevation: 3432 meters. Native range of impatiens pyrorhiza is Arunachal Pradesh.