Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

Erissel is the easternmost point of Socotra. It is a windswept low-lying area governed by the elements. During cyclones the wind and sea wreak havoc on the…

Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

Erissel is the easternmost point of Socotra. It is a windswept low-lying area governed by the elements. During cyclones the wind and sea wreak havoc on the…

Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

The north-facing beach of the tip of Erissel is wide and deep, with a large part only tasting the waves during monsoons. This is perfect conditions for the…

Inversed Fiddler Crab (Cranuca inversa)

Inversed Fiddler Crab (Cranuca inversa)

I found plenty of this species at this location and no signs of competing species. They thrive here next to a large date grove, where I rested in their…

Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan)

I found a huge number of Red Sea ghost crab (Ocypode saratan). At night they were crawling everywhere on land - wherever I walked these crabs were foraging.…

Little egret (Egretta garzetta)

Little egret (Egretta garzetta)

This is the second of just 3 bird species I encountered at this lagoon in the Shuab valley on the west coast of Socotra. Here a little egret (Egretta garzetta)…

Capped Heron (Pilherodius pileatus)

Capped Heron (Pilherodius pileatus)

The oxbow lake at Amazon Research and Conservation Center, deep in the Peruvian Amazon, was almost still as I watched this capped heron (Pilherodius pileatus)…

Boat-billed Heron (Cochlearius cochlearius)

Boat-billed Heron (Cochlearius cochlearius)

It's the end of the dry season in the Pantanal, and the torrential downpour of last night is now flowing towards the permanent rivers and lakes. In this photo…

Striated Heron (Butorides striata)

Striated Heron (Butorides striata)

Striated heron (Butorides striata) is a very skittish species, perhaps one of the most nervous of all. When I drive up any river these are the birds that first…

Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco)

Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco)

It's a rare opportunity when you find toucan's nest, and even more so when you can follow their food delivery to the chicks. Here it's coming with a large…