Tristerix longibracteata

Tristerix longibracteatus

Native range of tristerix longibracteatus is Colombia to Peru. Altitude 3720 metres. Ecuador-0.325556,-78.148333

Tristerix longibracteatus

Tristerix longibracteatus

Tristerix longibracteatus is a parasitic plant, so the wonderful flowers are possible only due to the nutrients stolen from the host plant! In Europe we have…

Aetanthus nodosus

Aetanthus nodosus

The fruits of aetanthus nodosus look edible and tempting - but are they? First of all red here is not ripe - black is! Should I trust black berries from a…

Aetanthus nodosus

Aetanthus nodosus

The flowers of aetanthus nodosus have striking colors made from energy stolen from its host plant. Altitude 3450 metres. Native range is Colombia to Peru.…

Bomarea hieronymi

Bomarea hieronymi

Bomarea hieronymi is unmistakable and eye-catching. In a gloomy forest of green, the hanging inflorescence is one of few wonders of blossom accessible to us…

Bomarea multiflora

Bomarea multiflora

Native range of bomarea multiflora is Colombia to Ecuador. -0.117222,-78.589722

Bomarea multiflora

Bomarea multiflora

Bomarea multiflora not only resembles a lily, but is a lily. It's a strong and vital plant, no wonder it's popular as a cut flower. Native range is Colombia…

Bomarea multiflora

Bomarea multiflora

This wonderful bomarea multiflora grows commonly along the main path in Yanacocha. This genus is also found in almost every florist across the world. Native…