4 Feb 2020
Blue shed, Notsuke Peninsula
The colors of the houses in Hokkaido are rather bland, dominated by beige, grey and off-white. Very different from what you encounter in the Norwegian…
4 Feb 2020
Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)
During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…
4 Feb 2020
Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)
During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…
4 Feb 2020
Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)
During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…
4 Feb 2020
Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)
During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…
4 Feb 2020
Blue shed, Notsuke Peninsula
Notsuke Peninsula is a beautiful stretch of open land and sea, with wetland on one side and pebbles and stones on the other side facing the Pacific. There is…
4 Feb 2020
Fishing net floats, Notsuke Peninsula
The colors of the houses in Hokkaido are rather bland, dominated by beige, grey and off-white. Very different from what you encounter in the Norwegian…
4 Feb 2020
Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)
I encountered several red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One had a damaged front leg and…
4 Feb 2020
Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)
I encountered quite a few red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One Hokkaido red Fox (Vulpes…
4 Feb 2020
Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)
During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…