13 Feb 2015
Libinhania sphaerocephala UV
Libinhania sphaerocephala is very dull in UV compared to the many color variations in visible light. Endemic.
13 Feb 2015
Searsia thyrsiflora UV
Searsia thyrsiflora is nNot particularly colorful in visible light and even less so in UV - all dark as it is. Endemic.
13 Feb 2015
Searsia thyrsiflora
I found this searsia thyrsiflora, and many others on top of Socotra – Skand (or Skand), but few with good flowers as it was nearing the end of the season.…
13 Feb 2015
Searsia thyrsiflora
I found this searsia thyrsiflora, and many others on top of Socotra - Skand (or Skand), but few with good flowers as it was nearing the end of the season.…
13 Feb 2015
Pulicaria lanata UV
Dark center opposed to the all-yellow appearance in visible light - a typical Asteraceae! Endemic.
13 Feb 2015
Hypericum scopulorum UV
Hypericums are beautiful in UV light, as they are not uniformly colored, and this species is no exception. This species forms impenetrable thickets dotted with…
13 Feb 2015
Convolvulus sarmentosus UV
Yet another Convolvulaceae with identical color in UV light! I have yet to encounter one, no matter ho many different colors in visible light, that is not the…
13 Feb 2015
Libinhania rosulata UV
The tiny flowers are dark in UV light compared to the mellow cream in visible light. Endemic.