25 Nov 2013
Galium humile
Galium humile is the second species of galium I encountered on the plateau of Itatiaia National Park. Altitude: 2460 metres. Native range is southeastern South…
25 Nov 2013
Galium humile
Galium humile is the second species of galium I encountered on the plateau of Itatiaia National Park and it was also in fruit, opposed to the other species.…
25 Nov 2013
Galium humile
Galium humile is the second species of galium I encountered on the plateau of Itatiaia National Park, and is densely haired compared to the other species.…
24 Nov 2013
Itatiaia plant 11 (Galium)
Altitude: 2460 metres. Please help me identify it - leave a comment.
15 Nov 2013
Largeflower Mexican clover (Richardia grandiflora)
Native range of largeflower Mexican clover (Richardia grandiflora) is Brazil, Bolivia to Argentina.
15 Nov 2013
Largeflower Mexican clover (Richardia grandiflora)
Largeflower Mexican clover (Richardia grandiflora) can create large and widespread mats which when in bloom is a wonderful sight! Native range is Brazil,…
15 Nov 2013
Staelia sp
The soil on this part of Pantanal (between Corumbá and Miranda) is in many places fine sand - just like a desert or a beach. Just after a couple of hundred…
15 Nov 2013
Staelia sp
The soil on this part of Pantanal (between Corumbá and Miranda) is in many places fine sand - just like a desert or a beach. Just after a couple of hundred…
9 Jul 2013
Gulmaure (Galium verum)
I år har det regnet mer en nok, og med det blir det nok av vann til at selv engene med skrint jorsmonn blir saftige og vitale som her på Hovedøya. På denne…