Sajama National Park – countless springs and streams

Sajama National Park – countless springs and streams

At a glance the landscape seems endlessly dry and without any source of water. That is far from reality as there are countless springs that feed streams and…

Nevado Sajama

Nevado Sajama

Yet another photo of the amazing mountain. I seem to never tire of it's ever changing beauty during the many different settings and light conditions. Altitude:…

Cumulopuntia glomerata

Cumulopuntia glomerata

The flowers of cumulopuntia glomerata are grand and beautiful, and are some of the plants as well. Some individuals grow to monumental sizes that simply makes…

Sarcocornia pulvinata

Sarcocornia pulvinata

Sarcocornia pulvinata grows very close to hot springs and is thus salt and mineral tolerant. Seems like Sedum. Altitude: 4402 metres.…

Altiplano plant 01 (Paper Daisies - Tribe Gnaphalieae)

Altiplano plant 01 (Paper Daisies – Tribe Gnaphalieae)

Grows close to hot springs, and is thus salt and mineral tolerant. Altitude: 4402 metres. -18.098056,-69.029444

Frankenia triandra

Frankenia triandra

Frankenia triandra grows close to hot springs, and is thus salt and mineral tolerant. Altitude: 4402 metres. Native range is Peru to Argentina.…

Nevado Sajama

Nevado Sajama

This is the north-west side of the peak - seen from the thermal springs close to the Chilean border. I think this side is far more spectacular than that seen…

Andean Gull (Chroicocephalus serranus)

Andean Gull (Chroicocephalus serranus)

the Andean gull (Chroicocephalus serranus) is much larger than the very similar European Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus), but at first a…

Crested Duck (Lophonetta specularioides)

Crested Duck (Lophonetta specularioides)

I saw several crested ducks (Lophonetta specularioides) here at Laguna Huana Khota - couples and singles. Altitude: 4359. It sounds like this:…

Silvery Grebe (Podiceps occipitalis)

Silvery Grebe (Podiceps occipitalis)

I saw several silvery grebes (Podiceps occipitalis) the short time I spent here at Laguna Huana Khota, and this couple was busy courting. A very entertaining…