26 Nov 2012
Palicourea coriacea
As I visited at the end of the dry season, the plateau was lush and green. Many of the plants species were in full bloom, like this palicourea coriacea.…
26 Nov 2012
Palicourea coriacea
As I visited at the end of the dry season, the plateau was lush and green. Many of the plants species were in full bloom. Huanchaca Plateau is also called…
26 Nov 2012
Palicourea sp
As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…
26 Nov 2012
Palicourea sp
As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…
18 Nov 2012
Oritrophium limnophilum
The Condoriri park was a treasure trove of plant species. I wish I had several days here, as my few hours was far from enough to explore all the incredible…
15 Nov 2012
Werneria incisa
The flowers were less torn on the werneria incisa at this small lagoon compared to Laguna Colorada. Altitude: 4139 metres. Native range is Northeast Chile to…
6 Oct 2012
Blodstorkenebb (Geranium sanguineum)
Om høsten er tiden da blodstorkenebb (Geranium sanguineum) virkelig kommuniserer sin rike tilstedeværelse. Overalt er det blodrøde blader som viser hvor vanlig…
5 Oct 2012
Tangmelde (Atriplex prostrata ssp. prostrata)
Tangmelde (Atriplex prostrata ssp. prostrata) har karakteristiske glatte, pilspisse og taggete blader, her i høstfarger. Naturlig utbredelse i Makaronesia til…
5 Oct 2012
Tangmelde (Atriplex prostrata ssp. prostrata)
Jeg skulle ta noen bilder av en gruppe som vokser ved sjøkanten på tomta, men de var spist opp alle som en! Så sent på høsten er det vel ingen gjess som finner…
27 Sep 2012
Rødhyll (Sambucus racemosa)
Noen svært få rødhyll får slike flotte rødfarger før løvfallet, som denne som står i svingen ned til Sandbukta. Den står lyst og fritt til med godt jordsmonn,…