29 Nov 2012
Green-cheeked Parakeet (Pyrrhura molinae)
The green-cheeked parakeet (Pyrrhura molinae) was quite hard to see up close, as it was usually in the dense canopy when in the valleys. Not in dead trees,…
29 Nov 2012
Mitred Parakeet (Aratinga mitrata)
Mitred parakeet (Aratinga mitrata) is perhaps the most numerous of the parakeet species here, and I saw many flocks of them escaping the various birds of……
29 Nov 2012
Streaked Flycatcher (Myiodynastes maculatus)
If you know of a dead tree, or a tree with a dead branch nearby - just wait there for a while and you're bound to find flycatchers or other birds with a need…
28 Nov 2012
Common Potoo (Nyctibius griseus)
Common potoo (Nyctibius griseus) is so well camouflaged that even though you know what to look for you will easily miss it. As a visitor you'll need help from…
28 Nov 2012
Masked Yellowthroat (Geothlypis aequinoctialis velata)
The song of the masked Yellowthroat (Geothlypis aequinoctialis velata) is very similar to the Willow Warbler, and I was enjoying it every day of my stay here.…
28 Nov 2012
Plush-crested Jay (Cyanocorax chrysops)
Plush-crested Jay (Cyanocorax chrysops) is a common but truly beautiful bird! I found this one very busy eating from this tree, and you can see it's focusing…
27 Nov 2012
Military Macaw (Ara militaris)
As I'm photographing a Plumbeous Kite I hear the calls of Military Macaws! I've just entered the fringes of Amboro National Park in which Refugio Los Volcanses…
27 Nov 2012
Plumbeous Kite (Ictinia plumbea)
Getting to the Refugio Los Volcanes is a steep descent in dense forest-clad slopes. You hear birds constantly, but seeing them is difficult unless they are…
26 Nov 2012
Cliff Flycatcher (Hirundinea ferruginea)
A perfect spot for a flycatcher - a dead branch overlooking a wide area of land. It seemed at ease with humans approaching, and was busy chasing prey,…
26 Nov 2012
Red Tanager (Piranga flava rosacea)
The color of this bird is like a flash of red in a sea of green! This bird definitely wants to bee seen, and despite several species of bird of prey, the…