23 Nov 2011
Bomarea multiflora
Bomarea multiflora not only resembles a lily, but is a lily. It's a strong and vital plant, no wonder it's popular as a cut flower. Native range is Colombia…
23 Nov 2011
Bomarea multiflora
This wonderful bomarea multiflora grows commonly along the main path in Yanacocha. This genus is also found in almost every florist across the world. Native…
23 Nov 2011
Pleurothallis orchids are unusual in that the flower seems to grow straight out of the leaf. -0.117222,-78.589722
23 Nov 2011
I found 2 groups of two species of Pleurothallis. The other one had an even darker brown color, but unfortunately I did not photograph it. Both are located at…
23 Nov 2011
Yanacocha plant 05 (Sigesbeckia sp)
Older flowers reddens and bend downwards. -0.117222,-78.589722