30 Nov 2011
San Isidro Lepidoptera 05
The "Smileymoth"? Please help me classify it - leave a comment :-) -0.589722,-77.880556
30 Nov 2011
San Isidro Lepidoptera 01
Please help me classify it - leave a comment :-) -0.589722,-77.880556
26 Nov 2011
Automeris abdominalis
What a beautiful moth when it has the wings open like this! I mostly saw automeris abdominalis with wings in resting position and no sign of this colorful…
24 Nov 2011
Phrygionis polita
Phrygionis polita is a moth with nature's own Henna paint. It seems like metallic paint, as it's elevated from the rest of the wing surface.…
23 Nov 2011
Tandayapa Lepidoptera 01
Please help me classify it - leave a comment :-) 0.002500, -78.677500