30 Nov 2011
Erato polymnioides
Erato polymnioides is a vital and dominant plant with large leaves that effectively support its growth while suppressing that of the smaller plants in close…
30 Nov 2011
Erato polymnioides
Erato polymnioides is a vital and dominant plant with large leaves that effectively support its growth while suppressing that of the smaller plants in close…
29 Nov 2011
Bidens andicola
Native range of bidens andicola is Colombia to Northwest Argentina. Altitude 3083 metres. -0.361389,-78.149167
29 Nov 2011
Bidens andicola
Bidens andicola grows widespread at this altitude and should be popular in gardens and parks due to it's large flower. Native range is Colombia to Northwest…
29 Nov 2011
Senecio repens
At this altitude many plants have limited heat and energy to produce flowers, and thus all energy is invested in one huge. It seems disproportionate to the…
29 Nov 2011
Chikku Chikku (Hypochaeris sessiliflora)
Native range of chikku chikku (Hypochaeris sessiliflora) is Bolivia to northewestern Venezuela. Altitude 3720 metres. Ecuador-0.325556,-78.148333
29 Nov 2011
Senecio chionogeton
Altitude 3720 meters. Native range is West South America. Ecuador-0.325556,-78.148333
29 Nov 2011
Senecio chionogeton
Altitude 3720 meters. Native range is West South America. Ecuador-0.325556,-78.148333