Røsslyng | Heather (Calluna vulgaris)

Since a very young kid I remember how the last of summer had such an abundant burst of flowers of this species. And with it so many bumble bees, bees, butterflies and insects of so many kinds were buzzing around these hardy plants.

For some time it looked as if the flowering would not happen as the new growth was drooping due to a long period of drought this summer. Then the rain did eventually come and amazingly they are all vital and vibrant! Not a single specimen has dead growth and thus the development of these flowers have resulted in the ever stronger hues of pink where they grow.

This is the most exciting time, as the flowering is at its very beginning and it all look so pristine, and their sweet scent is starting to fill the air around them. Their colors are also at their most vibrant now, and I have a wonderful time studying them and the insects visiting. Some insects are so small that I don’t even notice them except through macro photography.

I will enjoy the activities around these flowers in the coming days – knowing all too well that this is the very final burst of summer sweets.

After the heather only a few species will bear flowers here and there, and the pollen and nectar eating insects will have much less to choose from.

Elevation: 9 meters

Sandbukta, Svartskog, Akershus, Norway

Last updated on 15 December 2020