Dochula Pass, Bhutan

I was very fortunate to come here in time for the sunrise with a cloudless sky. Very slowly I had a growing idea of the magnificent snowcapped mountains to the north and west, and as the light increased I was greeted with a completely clear sight of the tallest mountain peaks in Bhutan.

This shot does not include the highest peak as this is the farthest to the west of the view from this location and if I understand the painted map of the peaks they have erected here, that should be Khang Bum at 6494 meters. Further to the east, where the sun was rising, the highest peak, Gankar Punsum, stands more than 1000 meters taller (7564 meters).

This is such an amazing location in so many ways, but standing here alone in the morning amongst the 108 stupas as the warming rays of the sun paint the landscape in the softest of tones is something that will be remembered for a long time.

Elevation: 3123 meters

Last updated on 25 November 2020