Eumaeus minyas

I found many butterflies around the dark forest floor of the forest surrounding the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC). Some so well camouflaged that I couldn’t see them unless they moved of was in flight. This one was one of several exceptions, as its bright spots make it somewhat conspicuous.

Thanks to Kim Garwood and associates for identification confirmation and specifics on how to differentiate between eumaeus minyas and toxana:

#1 minyas always has an odd, small spot near the apex of the hindwing (absent in toxana)

#2 The innermost row of metallic spots is larger in minyas

#3 The metallic spots around the orange spot (especially behind it) are larger/more congested in minyas.

#4 The outermost row of metallic spots are more triangular and tooth-like in toxana.


Last updated on 12 December 2020