Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa)

The number of plant species you see from the canopy towers of Cristalino Jungle Lodge is impressive. Unfortunately most are out of focus, as all the visitors are only interested in the birds.

But what are the birds without the trees? These plant species produce flowers and fruit throughout the year, and is at the center of all life here, so why is there so little focus on the plants?

I for one hope that Cristalino Jungle Lodge soon will provide an equally excellent species list of trees for a start, as they have great lists of birds, mammals, butterflies, reptiles and fish.

When I passed the tree on foot, the ground was filled with flower petals and flowers, and they still contained so much scent that I noticed it long before I could see the petals on the jungle floor.

The inflorescence is constructed in such a way that only the most powerful of insects can pry it open to reach the nectar, and thus pollinate it. One species of bumble bee is the pollinator, and you can hear they are large as their hum is very deep.

Last updated on 22 February 2014