Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Finally some intense auroas AND clear skies!

It seemed at first to be only a dim band high in the northern sky, but at around 23:15 local time (21:15 UT) a sudden burst in intensity and spread! It covered all of the sky up to and a bit beyond zenith.

This time lapse spans more than 2 hours – from 22:29 to 00:46 (+2 UT):

A beautiful corona appeared as well during this brief burst – in white, red and green! I wish I had another tripod so I could shoot it as well, but I focused on time-lapse.

Even with the huge light pollution of Oslo, the northern lights appeared clear and vivid, but it would have been even more intense in a really dark location.

The large sunspot 1302 is about to directly face Earth, so there might be more auroras in the coming days!

Below a few shots spanning 9 minutes from the dim beginnings through to the sky being ablaze:

Last updated on 29 December 2020