Carrao river – Hatcha fall

The Carrao river is the only (easy) means of transportation to the Angel falls other than by air. These falls are located by the Pemon village of Canaima.

It’s an awesome sight to begin the journey, at least when there is plenty of water, as was the case here. It should have been much less water the last day of November, but this year La Ninja was strong and produced plenty of rain way into the dry season.

There are three distinct waterfalls, and this is the only one where one can cross underneath. The first photo is after the crossing, which proves how much water is falling and how wet it is – I was soaked as after a swim, and naturally wore my swim gear!

The last two photos are from the beginning of the waterfall trail, and was the only location I could safely take pictures without a water proof housing.

Last updated on 31 July 2013